Lana Lang takes the pith. |

In issue 127 of Superboy, Lana, the brazen, red-headed hussy, broke Bee-Boy's heart.
He was never seen again, but his spirit (of the beehive) lives on.

Hi, welcome to Bee-Boy's Killer Sting, a site mostly dedicated to reviews of my favourite,
and not so favourite, comics.
The Mighty World of Marvel (1972) |

I've been reading comics since I was a nipper, ever since Mum bought me a copy of The Mighty World of
Marvel to shut me up one Saturday morning while out shopping. It wasn't long before I was begging her for Spider-Man
and The Avengers, experiencing the thrills and spills of Marvel's angsty heroes, and the delights of The Mighty Thor
stick-on tattoos. I soon moved onto headier things, buying second hand comics from the porno mag stall in the
High Street for 10p a time; groovy Teen Titans, hip Lois Lane, and Mod Wonder Woman were particular faves, and all
of 'em, in their own delightful way, influenced my tastes in comic book reading. I love the bizarre and the kitsch, but most
of all, I treasure a good comic.
Read any lately?